Will My Ex Be Back

Will My Ex Be Back

söndag 8 december 2013

Will My Ex Be Back: Is There Romance After Kids

Sundays article Is There Romance After Kids are about the best things that comes out of a relationship: kids! No matter if your  time for romance is lesser then before its worth it. To be there and experience how a child grow and developes is wonderful even if it has its obstacles.  When theres a need for some time on your own your relatives may take care of the child and that can be easier if they has been part of your childs life from the beginning. Believe me it wont be many hours before you both start to think about your child and are longing to get back home. So be thankful if you are blessed with children in your life and if not you may have relatives with kids that you can relate to. Have a great sunday and read on my friends.
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Something that most couples don’t take into consideration when deciding to have a baby is just how much their life together is going to change once that baby is born and a huge part of their lives. There will be no more spur of the moment weekend getaways or just deciding to eat dinner at a restaurant. Everything you do must be coordinated around whether or not you’ve got a babysitter or if the baby can go with you.
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Your freedom is almost non-existent. In fact, it’s this issue that causes the most problems between you and your partner once you become parents. The exception to that is if you’ve got a couple of reliable babysitters or if you’ve got enough money to pay a live-in nanny to be on call 24/7. That’s not always the best solution because most parents want to take care of their babies independently. So now you’re back to having no freedom.
Babies are also notorious for regularly interrupting those special romantic moments between you and your partner. They may not come around as often as before because the baby needs lot of care and attention. So when the two of you are finally able to fall into bed together, you’re both so exhausted that sex is the last thing on either of your minds. Between all of the low energy and no time together, you both probably start wondering if the romance has left your relationship forever.
Before you start to give up on ever having one of those special moments with your man again, there are ways that you can keep the romance in your relationship in spite of the fact that you now have a baby to take care of. They’re all things that you need to get in place, however, before the baby arrives. You’re going to have enough going on with caring for a newborn and there won’t be time to organize anything.
To begin with, if you live near either or both of your parents, that’s usually a great thing. Most grandparents are thrilled to babysit anytime you want them to. In fact, they usually beg to be allowed to babysit. If that’s your case, let them! They wouldn’t volunteer if they didn’t want to. Keep that in mind. Those built-in babysitters will be lifesavers.
If you don’t live around your parents or other doting relatives, you’ll have to take another direction. Find reliable and responsible babysitters before the baby arrives. Interview several and be sure to check all references. Sometimes you’ll have some great friends that you can trust to care for your child, so definitely put them on the list. It’s always a better idea to line up several babysitters so that if you run into problems, there’s always another one on the list to call.
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You’re going to love your baby more than you’ve ever loved anyone or anything in your life. That may be the first shock you’ll experience. You may even be so enthralled with your child that you can’t bear being away from him. Keep in mind, though, that in order to be a good parent, you need to be allowed to be a real person, too. That includes being romantic.
Thanx for reading and enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Dick Scott
Ps. If you need a shift in your life to a happier relation T.W. Jackson is the man behind the most succesful  relationship coaching system that has helped over 50 000 people since 2007. Read what he has to say below…

WARNING: Unconventional Methods!

At this point, I must WARN YOU…STRONGLY WARN YOU…my advice and methods are VERY unconventional. I get relationship counselors and the like REALLY ANGRY because they are charging $50 to $100 an hour (sometimes for months and even years) and I can whisper just one of my methods in my friends ear…he DOES IT… And next thing you know… he’s back home, laying back on the couch and watching HOUSE with his fiance on Monday nights.
Now you are free to make up your own mind about me. I just don’t believe that any amount of sitting in a classroom can make up for the REAL WORLD experience that I have under my belt…
I mean, what’s a more valuable experience?…Listening to a lecture on libido? Or BEING THERE when my buddy’s girlfriend is chucking his clothes and skivvies out the bedroom window because she thinks he was with some tart the night before?
I don’t know about you, my money is on the guy with the real world experience any day.
Now, if you are hanging out with me here today, I am guessing you have “relationship troubles” too? If you do…I think I can help…

Here’s how I can help you…

If you have broken up and want to get your guy or gal back, obviously I can’t talk too or be with everyone, I just don’t have enough time…but I have done what I believe to be the next best thing…
I have put my years of experience…into a really easy to follow… love recipe for”getting back together”…and again I forewarn you right now…these are techniques and strategies that are NOT conventional wisdom…and I doubt you have ever read or heard these techniques before.
…and I’ll tell you…

this stuff works!…maybe too well?

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