Will My Ex Be Back

Will My Ex Be Back

lördag 30 november 2013

Things Women Wish They Had Known Prior To Marriage

Saturdays article Things Women Wish They Had Known Prior To Marriage is adressed to both men and women. We may have a tendency to rush into things without considering every aspect of it especially when it comes down to love. Love is a very special thing that dont leave so much time for  thinking and in a way its right. Love has to do with our heart and our mind cant control it. Thats why its so contradictory and really test our ability to accept both our partners strong and weak sides. If our marriage shall last we  have to discover those sides prior to our marriage promise. If you are in a marriage i wish you all the best because love is whats life is about and when we find our twin soul its worth everything.
Have a lovely weekend;)
Dick Scott
Dick Scott ute2
It’s disheartening to look at the sad statistics these days when it comes to the divorce rate compared with the number of actual successful marriages. So many women jump into marriage only to lament later in those same marriages that there are so many things they wished they had known before they said I do. This is true even of the women that married after living with their partner for a significant amount of time. It seems that even knowing your husband-to-be as much as you can from living with him still isn’t enough.
Things women wish they had known before walking down the aisle include:
What being married is truly like: Too many women buy into the hype perpetuated by the media that marriage is a fairy tale with a happy ending. This can even happen to intelligent and highly intelligent women. Too late, they realize that they’ve entered into something far more serious than a fairy tale.
Being more acquainted with themselves: Too many women get married before they really understand who they are. That’s not helpful when they suddenly have to take on the added task of understanding another person that’s a big part of their lives.
Taking a little more time before getting married: These are the women that felt pressured into getting married before they were completely ready. They may find they’re not even in love with the person they married.
Know their future in laws a bit better: Some women are blindsided by how much their husbands are influenced by his own parents’ view of marriage and what it should be like. That’s not always a good situation for a marriage.
Bad behavior can only get worse: This is common among the women that always made excuses for the bad behavior of their future husbands prior to marrying them. Surprisingly, they couldn’t believe that they were unable to change this behavior once they got married.
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Need to know more about money: Many women are astounded that they are so capable at handling money when it’s forced on them. Other women realize that have made themselves dependent by not taking an active part in handling the finances jointly. Women should always know what’s going on with finances in their marriage.
What it takes to make a marriage succeed: There’s no real answer to this one. In fact, what works for one family may not work for another one. This is something that all couples must puzzle out for themselves. It’s more a matter of trial and error. If one thing doesn’t work, then something else can be tried.
Granted, knowing the answers to all of the above won’t guarantee a successful and happy marriage. However, it’s very possible that being more familiar with them will give you an edge that others don’t have. The biggest rule when it comes to having a good marriage is to never ignore any doubts that you may have. If you don’t feel one hundred percent that you’re ready to get married, then don’t, and don’t let anyone else talk you into it before you’re ready. If you are in a marriage and struggle  there are things worth trying that has helped over 50 000 people all over the world to make up instead of break up. Here is what some of them has to say:

Married Again…

got him back we were married again on the 25th of January ….


Not A Scam…

I am beside myself that something actually came of this…
I was SO skeptical putting in $39 to an e-book. I was positive it would be a waste of money, and there wouldn’t even be a book as promised.
PLEASE make it clear somewhere on your page that this is NOT A SCAM and that there are 62 PAGES FOR THIS BOOK, PLUS BONUSES.
I was beside myself.
Thank you so much…

“Impossible Not To Work”

Just wanted to let you know your advice is so rational and so sound… At such a horrible and tough time it is reassuring to read the correct way to handle yourself and go about respecting someone’s wishes (a breakup) but at the same time try to get them back. A lot of people don’t realize how simple and easy it is, patience is a virtue and because of you … I am now dating the love of my life again, we were together for 4 years, split for only 2 1/2 months and are now back together. I did what you… told me was the ONLY option and it worked. If it is true love and meant to be, your advice is impossible not to work. Thanks for the guidance. You’re a good man!


fredag 29 november 2013

Will My Ex Be Back:You Will Love Again

Todays article You Will Love Again is especially for those of you who has broken up from a relationship. I can trully say that you should be grateful for the time you have had together  and count the blessings you´ve shared. That may not be the direct feeling after a breakup but believe me when the storm is over its better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all.
Blessings to all you good people!!
Dick Scott
Dick Scott ute2
When a relationship ends, and especially if it ends badly, you may feel like there will never be anyone else in your life again that you’ll love, or even WANT to love. Depending on the reasons for the relationship ending, you may simply feel that you don’t want to ever be in another romantic relationship again. The pain may feel as if it’s just too much to bear and nothing something that you want to experience again. That’s all very understandable at first. However, there are other things you need to consider before you decide to enter a convent.
Yes, breaking up with someone that you love IS hard and it does hurt a lot. Be glad that you can feel the pain because, otherwise, you would be considered as unfeeling. So, as awful and strange as it may sound, you need to celebrate the fact that you’re hurting. That means that you can go through the grieving process and come out on the other side of it feeling healed and more confident about moving forward in your life.
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The worst thing you can possibly do at the end of a relationship is to vow that you’ll never love anyone again. While it may not be realistic for you to immediately jump into a rebound relationship, you certainly shouldn’t assume that you’ll never experience love in your life again. Instead, you need to go through the healing process from your current broken relationship so that you can recover. Then, you’ll be able to see a bit more clearly in the area of future relationships.
Something you’ll want to do while healing from your breakup is to look back and see if you can pinpoint what happened to cause the end. Was it something that you did or did not do? That’s not to say that the blame was all on you because, except in the cases of cheating, it usually takes two people to break up a relationship. So whatever you did to contribute to the ending of it, you can be pretty sure that your partner also played his part. This is just helpful in learning what to avoid or to add to your next relationship in order to give it more of a chance to succeed.
It’s important that you never assume that because one relationship went on the fritz, you won’t be able to ever love anyone as much as you did that person. That’s simply not true unless you decide to FORCE it to be true. If that’s the road you choose to take, you’re only hurting yourself and ensuring that you’ll spend the rest of your life alone and lonely. No one is truly THAT perfect that he cannot be replaced by someone even better. All you have to do is open up your eyes and look around to notice it.
Therefore, when a relationship ends, understand that, for whatever reason, it simply wasn’t meant to be. Experience healing and look at what could have been done differently. File this information away somewhere that you can access it when you need to and then move ahead. If you are in a situation regarding to breaking up or making up there is a man that sure can help you. He has wrote the top rated product The Magic Of Making Up.
“TW Jackson has helped so many people to get their relationships back on track, no matter how
desperate the situation might have seemed. We feel that The Magic of Making Up is one of the most
valid 21st century relationship books we’ve come across in the past few years. It is a complete system
on how to get your relationship back on track. The Magic of Making Up offers powerful information that
will have your ex begging you to take him/her back and you’ll soon have them literally eating out of the
palm of your hand. The techniques provided in this eBook honestly do work!”

torsdag 28 november 2013

Getting A Guy To Kiss You

Getting A Guy To Kiss You is easier then you think if you just give a little hint in the right direction. We love to express our love by kissing each other but often hesitate to take that first step. If we are to fast we may scare those who need and want some more time. Dont forget that a hug also is a good way to show our love. I am sure you will feel when its the right time to kiss each other because its a strong and a great feeling thats often shared by both of you emanating from your soul community.
So i send love and kisses to you; )
Dick Scott
One of the most exciting events is that first kiss with a new guy that you really like. You would think that it would be one of the easiest things that would ever happen to you but, believe it or not, sometimes it’s a bit difficult to get that kiss you want. There are ways to make it happen, though, even if you’ve started to give up.
Remember that many guys are painfully shy and don’t want to risk rejection. Because of this, they won’t make the effort to kiss you even though they really do want to. However, you can do some things that will let your shy guy know that you want him to kiss you more than anything else in your life at that moment.
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One of these things is continual light touching throughout your conversation. Don’t grab him or anything like that. Just lightly touch his arm, or his knee, if you’re sitting down. His hands are another encouraging place to touch him. What you’re doing is creating a cozy and friendly environment that will help him to understand that it’s perfectly fine if he kisses you.
Another thing that works often is to lean in and smile while looking directly into his eyes during a conversation. Now, don’t make it obvious what you’re doing, but let him understand that you do find him attractive and are drawn to him. He should get the message if your smile is sexy enough.

You may just have to drop some pretty strong hints with some guys. What sort of hints you use and how you communicate them will be up to you. Only you know the type of guy you’re with and what will work rather than scare him off. Just do what feels right.
Try working it into a conversation. For instance, ask him what sort of things he likes about you. That should lead him to asking you what things about him you find attractive. When he does this, it’s your cue to work in something about what a sexy and kissable mouth he has. He might just get what you’re saying.
There’s also the “Oh, I’m kind of chilly.” Move in closer to him and, hopefully, he’s considerate enough to offer you his jacket, if he’s wearing one. That gives you the perfect chance to have your face close enough to his that a kiss could easily happen. If he doesn’t offer you his jacket, or he’s not wearing one, continue to rub your arms up and down and move closer to him.
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Of course, there’s always just taking the initiative and kissing him. Some guys just won’t do it the first time until they’re 100 percent positive that you’re not going to shoot him down. The only way that they’re going to be positive is if you kiss them. So, you’re just going to have to take the bull by the horn and do it. In that way, you’ll both know what that kiss may mean.
Thanx for reading and have a lovely day with hugs and kisses;)
Dick Scott

onsdag 27 november 2013

Sometimes A Little White Lie Is Best

I hope you are feeling well this wednesday, here in Sweden we have a temperature that remains of spring but the winter has not really begun yet. It could be nice with some snow in the christmas month december, white as the white lies todays article is about:) First and foremost im not fond of lies but as a friend of mine said; its not a lie its a modification of the truth and the truth can have many faces. Regarding when your spouse ask for your advice about choosing clothes i think most women are pretty sure of what to wear but surely will be happy for a compliment. Read on and choose your words carefully when giving advice.
To Your Success in Love and Life
Dick Scott
dick scott framifrån
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You know those little moments in time where a guy’s girlfriend or wife is modeling new jeans and she turns to him and says, “Do these make my butt look fat?” Most guys in this situation tend to look very similar to a deer caught in the headlights when you see the expression on their faces. They know that no matter what they say it’s not going to be the right answer unless they can answer in the negative with a convincing tone. These are times when you really need to think quickly and seriously before delivering your answer. This can be true of women with sensitive male partners as well.
Now, before you answer questions such as these, you need to evaluate your situation well ahead of time in anticipation of these questions that are potential land mines for your relationship. Decide just how much honesty your partner can handle. This is the first question that you must answer especially when it becomes clear that you’ll have to face those questions in the future.
Something to remember is that in many situations, telling a little white lie is the best and safest policy. However, you must assess each situation individually before delivering your answer. Sometimes you simply must tell a version of the truth. For instance, if your lady is trying to go out of the house in an outfit that would do justice to the hooker downtown on the street corner, you simply can’t let her go out and embarrass herself that way. Be kind when you present other clothing choices to her and tell her something along the lines of how much you adore seeing her in the outfit that YOU picked out. Nothing should get you further than flattery.
At other times, you may just be forced to tell something that’s not quite true in order to avoid hurting your beloved’s feelings, or putting yourself in the doghouse. Under the circumstances, it’s better to tell her that no, those jeans don’t make her butt look big, or tell him that his hair doesn’t look silly all spiked up and gelled like that. Now, when you go out, if there are some side glances or not so discreet giggles, simply say that you have no idea what they could be staring at because you find your partner absolutely adorable. THERE’S your little white lie.
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Simply put, the basic rule about telling little white lies is this: As long as your partner isn’t going to be seen in public in a way that will get them ridiculed and made fun of to a huge degree, let it go. If your partner is happy about something regarding their looks, as long as it won’t be permanent and won’t be TOTALLY ridiculous, agree that it looks nice. These are the types of little white lies that don’t hurt anyone and usually won’t get you busted. Simply agree with your partner and hope that the phase passes.
Thanx for reading and make this day one of your best;)
Dick Scott

tisdag 26 november 2013

Ways Women Destroy Their Relationships

Greetings to all you good people! Todays article Ways Women Destroy Their Relationships may seem a little offensive if you think only women can destroy their relationship. I think we are all sometimes part of a destructive pattern in our life and our relationship. I also believe that most of these patterns has to  do with the past and even goes back to events in our childhood.
Light&Love to all of you;)
gryningsljus fram
Women seem to be more invested in keeping their relationships together than men do, for the most part. However, on the other hand, they also tend to unknowingly destroy their relationships in some very simple and silly ways. Once they start, it’s usually very hard to fix things.
For one thing, women can be just too nice. You don’t want to tell a guy that he’s rude and that he’s being disrespectful of you. Worse yet, you don’t like to even admit there’s anything wrong, so you stay quiet. It’s so much better to tell him what an ass he’s being rather than let it fester.
In the beginning, couples go out all the time. Eventually, they start staying in more and more and spending quiet evenings at home having dinner and watching a movie. Don’t panic because this is normal. Relax and don’t force him into going out a lot when he doesn’t want to.
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You need to understand that you’ve got to do your own thing. Of course, when the relationship is new, you want to be together constantly. However, don’t let that keep you from spending time with your friends and family, too. He also needs to do that. It keeps your relationship from becoming suffocating.
Maybe at first, you and your boyfriend used to have sex 3 or 4 times daily but that can’t last and it shouldn’t. That doesn’t mean that you should just sit back and be ok with sex totally dwindling out of your relationship. But throwing a fit isn’t good, either. That’s not really going to make you any sexier to him. If it gets serious enough, talk about it calmly.
Just because other couples you know are constantly going out and doing exciting things and having adventures doesn’t mean that’s right for you and your boyfriend. When you start comparing your relationship with others, it only puts a damper on yours. Don’t start questioning the type of relationship you have if you’re happy in it.
Some women just need to try too hard. It’s not helpful if you suddenly start greeting him in sexy lingerie and candlelit dinners all the time. He’s going to feel the pressure of having to match your efforts. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t do something nice sometimes, but you can just be normal once you’ve won each other.
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Insecurity is one of the most unattractive features that a woman can have. There’s no reason that you should have to constantly say I love you all the time to each other. Don’t force it and only say it when it feels natural. If you start asking him 20 times a day if he really loves you, he’s going to get really tired of it. Refrain from doing this because no man wants to have to be FORCED to say those words. He’ll say them when he feels them and you need to be happy with that.
Avoid those things that can destroy a perfectly great relationship and you’ll find that you’ll be a much happier person. If your on the edge and need some professional advice i urge you to take a look at this;)

Most Informative about relationship…

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