Thursdays article What Are You Looking For In A Relationship is a question which answer seems obvious to many of us. But if we are honest to ourselves there are more to a relation then what meets the eye. We have an advantage if we are clear on those issues prior to a new relationship. Falling in love sometimes happen suddenly and then it´s no time for those questions so be prepared by following the advice in this article.
Love&Light To You
For most people, it’s important to have a really great relationship in their lives. This relationship needs to be solid as well as meaningful if it’s going to help you stay happy and successful. It’s this connection with that special someone that gives you comfort when you need it, intellectual and mental stimulation when you want it, and the return of the love that you offer. A good relationship lets you have your needs met and lets you meet the needs of your partner.
That’s why it’s so important that you have a nurturing relationship in your life. It goes a long way to keeping you psychologically well. The way you interact with your significant other can affect the amount of stress and anger you carry around with you. It can also affect how happy you are. It’s been proven that when you have a great relationship, the less likely you’ll be to develop depression.
Everyone needs someone special in their lives. When you develop a quality relationship, you feel prosperous. The more you branch out to connect with someone in a meaningful way, the happier you’ll be. However, it must be the type of relationship that’s right for you. It’s important to know what you’re looking for in a relationship. Therefore, you need to examine what you want from your relationship.
Ask yourself some questions like:
What are your relationship goals?
Ask yourself some questions like:
What are your relationship goals?
Do you want and need for the connection between you and your partner to become stronger in all areas?
Are you interested in being part of a couple that gets along well with others or do you feel that your time is better spent with quality people?
Do you want to be with someone that likes to expand your circle of friends for both business and personal reasons, and do you need help moving past your shyness?
Are you interested in being part of a couple that gets along well with others or do you feel that your time is better spent with quality people?
Do you want to be with someone that likes to expand your circle of friends for both business and personal reasons, and do you need help moving past your shyness?
If any of those are true, next you need to figure out why you want those things in your relationship. Do you just want to get more fun out of life? Are you trying to protect yourself from feeling lonely? Is it possible that you just want to build your personal confidence levels higher?
Now it’s time to sit back and make the decision of what you want to accomplish in your relationship and the reasons for that. All it takes is to choose a particular target to begin with. Then, decide how that will help you in strengthening the relationship that you need in your life. When you focus on a positive outcome, that’s what you’ll get in your relationship. If you need help to strenghten your relationship my advice is to look at this video.
(Over 50,119 Customers In 77 Countries Have Used This Proven System!)
Works For Long Distance Relationships Too…
Just wanted to thank you and let you know how much you have helped me. I followed the [your guide] after a very bitter breakup of a two-year plus relationship (my first since my divorce from a21-year marriage). It started out being one of the most difficult things I have ever attempted in my life and after the initial two weeks I started feeling stronger each day and better about myself. My ex sent me an apology email three weeks in …By now, I had the strength to actually “sleep on it” and sent him a response the next day…within seconds he called me and asked to see me and was crying because he was glad I was talking to him. We are starting out very slowly again as friends (which is difficult for me since I am still deeply in love with him). An interesting note is this is a long distance relationship and your program still worked!! I am so happy to have him in my life again.
Thanks again,
Thanks again,
Dating Again!
Just wanted to say thank you soooooooooo much for the amazing advice in your book the magic of making up. Yesterday was that all important First Date and it was absolutely fantastic… i just had an email from him saying what a great time he had and how he can’t believe how cool it was to be together. Also back when we split up, your book picked me up out of the mud when I was feeling the worst I ever felt in my life, and doing all the things you advised gave me a life line – now I am so much stronger and happier. I’m still going to take things slowly with my ex (I’m not at the end of your plan yet!!) but I can’t believe how well life is going only 2 months after I felt like I was half dead. Thank you so much.
Ex POPS The Question…
…just an email to say thanks for all the support and knowledge. my boyfriend has just proposed. we are the happiest we have ever been. wedding booked for 2011.
many thanks,
Talking Again…
Just wanted to say THANKS!!
Me and my ex are talking now. The letter thing worked, even though I thought it wouldn’t….
Best Money Ever Spent…
You are the best!!! After one day, again one day, my changed attitude had my ex calling and wanting to see me. I won’t take his calls but this showed me that the changes you showed me, worked…you have helped me more than you will ever know…
Thanks and keep up the good work. Best money I ever spent!!!
Casey gets his girl back!
I have good news, my ex did get back with me! She said to me the guy she went out with before was a cover up and she was lying to herself the whole time. Thanks for the support.
Married Again…
got him back we were married again on the 25th of January ….
Not A Scam…
I am beside myself that something actually came of this…
I was SO skeptical putting in $39 to an e-book. I was positive it would be a waste of money, and there wouldn’t even be a book as promised.
PLEASE make it clear somewhere on your page that this is NOT A SCAM and that there are 62 PAGES FOR THIS BOOK, PLUS BONUSES.
I was beside myself.
Thank you so much…
I was SO skeptical putting in $39 to an e-book. I was positive it would be a waste of money, and there wouldn’t even be a book as promised.
PLEASE make it clear somewhere on your page that this is NOT A SCAM and that there are 62 PAGES FOR THIS BOOK, PLUS BONUSES.
I was beside myself.
Thank you so much…
“Impossible Not To Work”
Just wanted to let you know your advice is so rational and so sound… At such a horrible and tough time it is reassuring to read the correct way to handle yourself and go about respecting someone’s wishes (a breakup) but at the same time try to get them back. A lot of people don’t realize how simple and easy it is, patience is a virtue and because of you … I am now dating the love of my life again, we were together for 4 years, split for only 2 1/2 months and are now back together. I did what you… told me was the ONLY option and it worked. If it is true love and meant to be, your advice is impossible not to work. Thanks for the guidance. You’re a good man!
“On her hands and knees”
well it tool some time but i got my girl back. she pretty [much] got down on her hands and knees coming back to me thanks buddy.
Talking Like Friends Again!
I have just downloaded the materials from the website. I am eager to read and learn.
Just from the video via your website, before attaining the reading materials, I
talked with my ex yesterday for 40 MINUTES!! It has been months since we have
talked that long like friends. He even hinted around that we could have a
Thanks for the free advice and I can’t wait to get to reading!!
I’ll keep in touch.
Just from the video via your website, before attaining the reading materials, I
talked with my ex yesterday for 40 MINUTES!! It has been months since we have
talked that long like friends. He even hinted around that we could have a
Thanks for the free advice and I can’t wait to get to reading!!
I’ll keep in touch.
Back Together…
Guess what!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i took your advice and my ex- boyfriend and i are back together again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and thanks 4 the advice AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Back Together…Effortlessly…
I am happy to report that my Ex and I are now happily back together. I have to say it was effortlessly done! I thank you for all of your great information.
Pleasantly Surprised…
I have received your guide entitled The Magic of Making Up and was pleasantly surprised with the quality of the advice contained therein…[removed due to sensitive nature]
“Dude It’s Working…”
DUUDE ITS WORKING MAN. After a few weeks of being cool and ok with it, i said we should be friends, and now shes saying im going to give you another chance to get to know me, and if im paying attention to her like i said i would, then ill find the right time to ask her out… thank you!
Can’t Believe This Worked…
Planning A Beach Getaway!
Just wanted to thank you for all your help! Your book is amazing and got my man and I back together within a few weeks of reading it. Now to clarify, it had already been some time since we had even spoken to each other, and I was really starting to miss him. I read your instructions very carefully and fallowed them to the tee, and it worked! … I could not have done it without you! We are now blissfully celebrating are Birthdays together, and are even planning a beach getaway just us two.
Thank you sooooo much!!!
Thank you sooooo much!!!
Finally Married!!
thanks for all you help and encouraging words,quotes and what to do. He proposed and we are finally married thank you very much.
Another “OMG!!! This Works” Note…
OMG!!! This totally worked….nothing I had tried worked and then I texted him that message and he returned my call!! I cannot wait to see where this goes….
Broke Part Of The Wall Between Us…
I downloaded your book and me and my ex talked for an hour and a half. IT was the first time we talked since November of last year! I followed the instructions in the book and am happy with the fact that we were able to just talk even though no progress was made as far as getting back together yet. She is still living with her boyfriend, but I feel like we broke part of the wall between us.
If this book helps me to get her back, I will drive to Arkansas and personally shake your hand! So, on that note, hopefully I’ll see ya soon! 
Will in Concord, NC
Married And Happier Than Ever…
Thanks Tdub, I listened to a couple of your emails and used them with my former ex and now we are married and happier than ever you are a God and I owe a lot of this to you.
Thanks man.
Have A Date This Friday…
Well, My ex and I are talking a little bit more now. He text me yesterday and said that he missed me. He also told me he still loves me. And we have a date this Friday…[removed due to personal nature]
Most Informative…
hey Tdub! how’s it goin’? i watched your video, and i must say, it’s the most *and you’re the most* informative person i know when it comes to what to do about a break up.
Back Together In One Week…
I did buy the book, and got back together in one week. [removed due to personal nature]
Ex Flying Back From England!
Hi there! Wishing you a very happy Christmas too! Thank you so much for your help, your ideas really managed to open my eyes and to see you from another perspective!!i never used to think of it that way. I have learned a lot about myself too, and i now know how to speak to him whilst keeping in control of the situation at the same time. My ex and i had a long distance relationship and he is flying over to see me here in England to try and sort all this mess out!
Regards and many thanks
Regards and many thanks
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