Will My Ex Be Back

Will My Ex Be Back

torsdag 31 oktober 2013

Are You Being Too Agreeable for Love to Last?

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First of all i want to thank you all who read and subscribe to this blog and i really hope you get some valuable tips and advice! We have a foggy, cold morning here in Sweden today but i hope the sun will shine and brighten up our day;)
Todays article Are You Being Too Agreeable for Love to Last?  has some good points on arguing but my opinion is that we must be very careful so we dont go into some habit of arguing over minor issues because that will not make our love grow. But clear the air about what we do feel is not wrong, even if we are in a relationship it does not mean we wont have some disagreements.  I think that one of the important issues in a relation is to explore ourselves with help of each other. When our relation works it help us to know ourselves better. I use to think that we are infact mirrors of each other in some way and we also reflect back what others think and say about us. Infact on a deeper level we are all connected but thats a different subject;) So have a fantastic day and here is todays article:
Dick Scott
Most people reading this will not think it’s possible to have a partner that’s too agreeable. Anyone who has been in a relationship knows that two different personalities will eventually get on each other’s nerves. It’s a fact of life, when two people occupy the same space, they will occasionally overstep boundaries, hurt feelings, or simply make one another madder than the hatter in Alice in Wonderland. The people you love most often drive you the craziest.
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Arguing, in these situations is a normal response. On occasion, there may even be dish flinging, clothes throwing, knock down drag out kinds of disagreements (often followed by mind-blowing making-up sessions). It’s normal to fight. It’s even natural. What isn’t natural, in relationships, is to always agree or never fight. Arguments are important tools in relationships. They do more than just let off a little steam. Here are a few reasons why you need to have the occasional argument in your relationship.
Arguments Clear the Air
They are important tools for letting your partner know how you really feel. IN relationships where couples never fight, it’s often the first fight, the one that reveals all the pent up frustrations, hurt, and anger, that result in the ending of that relationship. Arguments let the other person know when how you feel, how you’re hurting, and what to avoid in the future.
Arguments Show Engagement in the Relationship
They certainly bring an element of excitement into the relationship. They let your partner know you’re there and hold nothing back. They show that you are passionately involved in the relationship and that you do care. They serve as a barometer for the level of affection in the relationship, in many cases, and are important tools for your partner to understand how vested in the relationship you really are.
Arguments Establish Important Issues for Both of You
We all know there are hot-button political and religious issues that should not be discussed in polite society. The same holds true when it comes to relationships. Those topics aren’t always as clearly defined as religion and politics. In some relationships it’s cooking, mechanical abilities (did anyone else notice how Jill on Home Improvement always quietly called in a professional once Tim finished fixing things?), family, friends, or even politics and religion.
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Once you establish that these are hot topics for you by having that first heated argument, you know to back off and avoid discussing the issue. Sometimes, you must agree to disagree. But, if you never let your partner know how you really feel and how important the issue is for you, then he or she is likely to keep discussing it causing your blood to boil. Unless you let your partner know how you feel, your partner is going to assume you agree.
Don’t let your first fight be the final blow for your relationship. Learn to speak up and let your partner know what you really think and feel. Most important of all, learn to fight fair so that the disagreements and arguments you do have are productive rather than destructive.
I wish you a lovely day!
Dick Scott/Admin/Relationship Blogs
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onsdag 30 oktober 2013

Will My Ex Be Back: Can You Buy Your Ex Back?

Good day my readers, hope your all fine;) todays article Can You Buy Your Ex Back? has a obvious answer for most of us but unfortunately dont we always follow our beliefs. It can be both tempting and easy to buy a special gift to cover up for a mistake or as an excuse. But dont get me wrong its absolutely not wrong to show our love and appreciation in different ways, the problem is if we dont show love with our actions and  our words it can be hard to convince our partner with a gift. Keep on reading and have a nice day!
Dick Scott
Have you ever resorted to expensive gifts to make up for major misdeeds in the course of your relationship? Many men offer costly gifts to the women they love in hopes of smoothing things over and making it right. It may have started out with flowers and chocolates. Over time, the practice escalated to expensive jewelry, cars, homes, and vacations. The bigger the misdeed, the bigger the buyoff.
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Unfortunately, this practice often does more harm for the relationship than good. The relationship becomes a series of highs and lows with each one attempting to outdo the other. Eventually, you’re either out of money or in debt so big that even more problems are being created. All the while, nothing is getting solved. It’s just being temporarily swept underneath the discarded ribbons, bows, and tissue paper.
Here are a few questions to help you get a handle on your gift buying tendencies whenever relationship problems arise.
How Much Will it Really Cost?
The costs are not always measured in dollars and cents. Men, especially, will gladly pay the price in dollars to avoid the emotional confrontation required to deal with the real, underlying problem in the relationship. Buying gifts provides a quick, albeit temporary, fix for a problem they don’t really want to face. The thing is, the problem is still there the next time mistakes are made and the price tag for avoidance keeps getting bigger and bigger every single time.
How Much Have You Spent Already?
The other point to consider is this. How much money have you already spent trying to delay the inevitable? The longer you attempt to put it off, the harder it’s going to be to deal with when the time comes. It’s kind of like an onion. The core problem is still there. Unfortunately, you’re going to have to go in and peel each individual layer, uncovering new problems and hurt feelings along the way, to get to the heart of the matter when the time does arrive to fix the problem or walk away. That money could solve many problems you’re having and would have likely been much better spent building your future together rather than covering up the “sins of the past.”
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How much can you really afford to spend? This is the final question for many men in your shoes. There’s never really enough, is there? Love is something that can’t be bought. Forgiveness can’t really be purchased either. Women may joke about it, but the truth is they’d rather fix the problems and save the relationship the old-fashioned way than through gifts and bribes. She’s MUCH rather receive gifts from you as tokens of love from you instead of buyoffs for her affections.
Peace and Love 
Dick Scott/Admin/Relationship Blogs
Online Income Blogs
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Dick Scotts Poetry&Music Blogs

tisdag 29 oktober 2013

Did Score Keeping Ruin Your Relationship?

Good morning all readers; todays article Did Score Keeping Ruin Your Relationship? is really covering an important subject. It is so true that  if  you add up every time you have been hurt in the past you will never stop feeling bad about your relationship. If quizzes aint solved for the benefit of both parts it sure will come back again. Unfortunately we also have a tendence to blame our spouse and then completely forget our own part of the problem; and we often do that as a defence when our partner attack us verbally. Strange as it seems the best thing to do in a quarrel is to ask: what do you really want and what do you need behind your cruel words. That will put the finger on the real reason which often can be something else then what words tell. Our feelings can both be our blessings and our worst enemy; they are both love and sometimes the opposite and then we do have to settle down and ask ourselves and our partner what do we really want with our relationship!
Have a lovely day!
Dick Scott/Admin
No matter what you may have heard, it takes two to make or break a relationship. You aren’t the sole reason your breakup happened. But, that doesn’t mean there aren’t things you’ve done along the way that contributed to the end. One of the biggest problems in relationships, and one that is more common than most people realize, is a practice called keeping score.
You may have a fight and even make up after the fight, but in the back of your mind, you’re marking off numbers on a scorecard your partner has never even seen. When need fights occur, you’re adding fouls and other offenses to this scorecard and the fight grows into so much more than it started out as.
You know what I’m talking about. You’re having a fight over dinner being late and suddenly the fight’s about something that happened last year when he didn’t defend you when his mother was overly critical. This is bad for the relationship for many reasons. These are just a few.
Nothing is Ever Solved
Not really solved, anyway. The other person has moved on and forgotten about the old argument. Then suddenly he or she is being held responsible for something they thought had been sorted out and made up for in the past. To them it feels like a sucker punch and that’s not a good feeling.
Fighting is a normal part of relationships. The purpose is to RESOLVE issues. When you pretend all is well for a while and then bring it up at a later date, it leaves the other person feeling doubly hurt and somewhat betrayed.
It Breeds Resentment
Unfortunately, when you’re keeping score and resolving nothing, you’re rehashing old arguments and emotional injuries just beneath the surface. You’re walking around in a state of unresolved hurt and growing resentment all the time. It’s not healthy for you and may leave your partner scratching his or her head at times trying to understand why you’re so angry all the time.
Compounds the Real Problems in the Relationship
Finally, when you have this running score going on in your head of perceived slights and injuries (some things you’ve probably never even so much as mentioned to your partner), they’re only serving to compound the real problems in the relationship.
This means that when the time comes to begin working on what’s broken, you have to sift through all the clutter to get to the heart and soul of the problem in your relationship. Too often, you expend precious time and energy trying to sort through the old issues that you never get to the real problem.
That’s when breakups happen. That’s when the two of you give up and then, more often than not, live with regrets over what could have been. Is it too late? I don’t believe it’s ever too late. But, you will ultimately have to eliminate the scorecard and leave it behind you for good if you want to have an honest shot at a second chance.
I really hope your relationship is bringing you hapiness and if not i can recommend this proven source: The Magic of Making up!
Wishing you the best!
Dick Scott
Financial Freedom Blogs

måndag 28 oktober 2013

Is it Possible to Save Your Marriage After Your Husband Cheats?

Todays article Is it Possible to Save Your Marriage After Your Husband Cheats? is a follow up on yesterdays article on the same subject. Enjoy your reading and have a fantastic day!
Dick Scott/Admin
For some women, a cheating husband is a major line in the sand. It’s a breach of trust and a betrayal of love so egregious that she cannot move beyond. This is the one “crime” against marriage that many women cannot forgive or forget. However, there are a growing number of women in the world who believe that marriages should be strong enough to weather the many storms life throws their way — including the category five hurricane we call adultery. But there are a few things you need to know before you try to make it work.
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Don’t Offer a Free Pass
Even if you plan to forget and move on, you must not give your husband a “get out of jail free” card when it comes to cheating. He needs to understand that there are consequences and that this is not behavior you’re willing to tolerate. Establish ground rules for now and in the future and let him know that this is a one-shot deal. The affair must end if there is any hope for the marriage to be saved.
Don’t Ask Questions You Don’t NEED (Really Need) the Answers To
You can sink the knife even deeper into your heart by asking for all the gory details or you can decide that it’s not important to know the intimate details of his adultery and move on from there. For most women, not knowing is ultimately better. You’re not left rehashing the details over and over again in your mind. Your efforts are better spent looking to the future and working to put this part of the past as far behind you as possible.
Don’t Allow His Bad Behavior to Undermine Your Confidence
Invariably women blame themselves for their cheating husbands. He’s the one who did the deed. It’s not about more sex. It’s not about a thinner waistline, larger cup sizes, or even a broader understanding. No matter what kinds of excuses men make for their cheating ways it isn’t your fault that he cheated. You can beat yourself up with what you could have, would have, or wish you had done differently but none of those things are likely to have changed the outcome. What you need to focus on now is what you can do in the future so that it doesn’t happen again.
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The big question you must answer right now, though, is whether or not you really want to make it work. Some women can move past cheating while others cannot. It’s better to decide now than to send him backing or walk away only to regret the decision later. Think before you react. If it takes a little time, then take the time you need to sort out how you feel and where you want to go from here.
Dont forget to check my other blogs both about relationship issues and about the possibility to learn how to make a living online!
To Your Success in love and life because you are worth it!
Dick Scott
Financial Freedom Blogs

söndag 27 oktober 2013

Will My Ex Be Back: Signs Your Husband is Cheating

Welcome to read todays article Signs Your Husband is Cheating which covers a heartbreaking subject in relationships. Affairs beside a marriage is one of  the main reasons why people break up. There is no right or wrong in how to handle it because there are so many aspects of it, for example is it regularly or one time. Its also crucial if the marriage is strong and worth saving or if you are living more by habits then by love and devotion. If your in a very difficult situation regarding your marriage or relation there are some really good advice here from a man that has helped over 51 000 people from all over the world to Make Up instead of Break up.
No woman wants to believer her husband is cheating on her. However, most women really do know when it’s happening. Whether you can admit it to yourself or not, it’s almost always best to know what’s going on so you can make informed decisions about what has to happen next. These are a few of the signs you should be on the lookout for that indicate your husband really may be stepping out on you.
He Becomes Mr. Critical
If your normally docile and easy-going husband has recently turned into Mr. Critical, it’s often his way of dealing with the guilt or his affair and/or comparing you to the other woman. Many men look for faults in you in order to justify the affair and soothe their consciences over cheating.
He Begins Spending More Time Away from Home
If your husband has suddenly started working extra hours, joined a gym without the sweaty results, or taken a sudden interest in a previously unmentioned hobby that keeps him away from home several nights a week, it could be a sign that he’s spending that time with someone else.
He Goes “Off the Grid” Sometimes
We live in a day and age of constant connectivity. Between mobile phones, computers, and other technological wonders, no one is ever out of touch for long. They especially aren’t out of touch with any degree of regularity. If he’s going off grid on a regular basis, then it’s likely intentional rather than accidental and that can be a sign of real trouble for your relationship.
His Sexual Preferences Change
Sometimes this presents itself in a sexual drought at home. Other times it presents as more frequent sex than ever before. It’s almost as if he’s trying to make up for his indiscretion by behaving even more lovingly at home. However, it almost always results in changing preferences and evolving interests in the bedroom.
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He Brings Up a Specific Other Woman in Conversation Often
If he’s talking about another woman a great deal it’s because she’s on his mind. That, in and of itself, is cause for concern — but not necessarily alarm. In many cases, he’s thinking about an affair when he’s talking about her. When he suddenly stops talking about her is when you should be alarmed.
Knowing what’s going on his mind is half the battle. It is possible to stop an affair before it gets started or becomes too serious if you are aware of the signals and make a concerted effort to stop things before they really heat up.
Thanx for reading through todays article and i hope you will get some help and inspiration from it!
Dick Scott/Admin/Relationship Blogs
Financial Freedom Blogs
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